Got Gnats? We Can Help!

Considered members of the Diptera Order, they’re as common as palm trees and abundant sunshine. Unfortunately, unlike the latter, these Texas staples are known to deliver ferocious bites that may transmit parasites. As such, they need to be controlled for the health and comfort of all involved.

Got Gnats? We Can Help!

Although there are multiple species of biting gnats, most of the adult females are able to lay hundreds of eggs throughout their life spans. So under the right circumstances, Texas laws can quickly become overrun with them. Property owners can begin decreasing the insects’ numbers by keeping their lawns maintained and relatively dry. However, those measures are not enough to entirely eliminate populations of biting gnats.

Professionals must be called in to finish the job. They are capable of spraying or otherwise applying products that will kill the gnats. They’ll target areas where the biting punks are most apt to breed and lay eggs. Afterward, they’ll move on to other areas favorable for adult gnat activities. These applications, along with proper lawn maintenance, should go a long way in making Texas properties gnat free.

Of course, all of these efforts must be ongoing too. Otherwise, the gnats from surrounding areas will just find their way back to pre-treated properties in no time. As such, we urge Texans experiencing biting gnat problems to work with the best pest control experts to create year-long, action plans. The biting gnat control plans will generally include increased activity right before and during common breeding periods. These critical periods vary but in most of our service areas, they occur from spring until early winter. To learn more about service area specific treatment methods, please contact our pest service team members today.

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