News - AJB Pest & Termite

5 Questions To Ask Your Prospective Pest Control Company - AJB Pest & Termite

Written by alena brooks | Dec 29, 2016 9:06:00 AM

When considering enlisting the help of a pest control company to manage the pest activity in your home or business there are several things to consider. To determine which company will be most in line with your needs, budget, and personal values try evaluating their responses to the following questions.

1. How often and to what extent do your technicians undergo training?

Determining the professionalism of the technicians who would theoretically be working in and around your home or office is an important factor when considering the services of a pest control company. Knowing that a company confidently entrusts their reputation with the adequate proficiency and skill of their technicians is always a good sign. Each technician must complete annual training and continual education each year. In addition, a technician will undergo a criminal background check annually as well.

2. Do you use chemicals, and if so, are there any potentially negative effects?

Becoming knowledgeable about a company’s pest control methods can be vital to guarantee the safety of your family members and pets. Discussing any adverse effects of chemicals the company typically uses will allow you to make an educated decision about whether this service will be best for your situation.

3. Are you willing to provide any references?

If a company is unable or unwilling to provide references of their past performance quality, that may mean they are inexperienced or their service is substandard. Companies that happily provide you with glowing recommendations on their behalf are more likely to satisfy your personal pest control needs.

4. What is the cost breakdown for services rendered and how will I be billed?

Understanding the price point of a particular service and if it is something that needs to be paid up front or may be billed monthly, quarterly, or annually will give you a better idea on how this will tie in with your budget and lifestyle.

5. What can I expect from a consultation?

Providing you with peace of mind is the purpose of a pest control company. When a consultation is informative and helpful while offering minimal interruption to your daily activities, seeking the help of professionals becomes convenient and less of a hassle.

Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of hiring a professional pest control company.